Saturday, May 8, 2010

Illegal Alien Encounters in Pennsylvania

So now Pennsylvania State Reps. Daryl Metcalfe and Harry Readshaw are pushing legislation modeled after the Arizona law that allows police to stop and detain suspected illegal aliens. Their bill differs slightly from Arizona's law but the end result would be just as repulsive -- the home of the Liberty Bell would become a state that violates the civil and constitutional rights of people who appear to be illegal aliens due to their ethnicity or color. The politicians didn't put the word "profiling" in their bill but that is exactly what it is.

Metcalfe is a conservative Republican from Cranberry, a predominantly white suburb north of Pittsburgh that is worlds apart from the diversity and ethnicity of the city. He talks about "Pennsylvania's ongoing illegal alien invasion" and he estimates that there are 140,000 illegal aliens in Pennsylvania -- I assume he identified them by counting anyone who looks Mexican, Somalian, Asian or Pakistani.

Metcalfe is yet another self-serving elected official whose vision of America is built on a foundation of prejudice and political hate-mongering. Blame the illegal aliens for every problem in Pennsylvania, from the state budget to high unemployment and crime; that is the battle cry of legislators like Metcalfe, who appears to have no reservations about whipping his fellow white Americans into a racist frenzy, just as Hitler and his goons targeted, rounded up and exterminated millions of Jews in the name of cleansing Germany.

Imagine, if you will, a police state where anybody who appears to be a politician could be herded away and deported to Arizona because their car's right turn signal wasn't working. Arizona would deserve it but it would be wrong.

Our nation has no right to detain and deport politicians like Metcalfe simply because they look and act like politicians, any more than it has the right to detain and deport anyone who looks and acts like an illegal alien.

We do have the right to vote politicians like Metcalfe and Readshaw out of Harrisburg, which is exactly what we should do. Too bad those 140,000 so-called illegal aliens in Pennsylvania can't vote.

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